Excerpt from December 28th email:
"I am doing really well here in Formosa, without a companion and surviving the heat. I have a really nice surprise….
Last Sunday we met with our branch president and he told me that he felt like we needed to visit Rodolfo again. He asked me what I thought about Tuesday in the afternoon and we fixed an appointment right then and there. We found Rodolfo in his house, with his family and he accepted us with a smile. He said he was glad we came to take away “his punishment” as he called it…and he wanted to start over, but this time he wanted to learn for a bit more before committing to baptism. We agreed that it was probably best that way and promised to be patient if he promised to follow through on all his commitments and be honest with us…
THEN, our Zone leader called us and told us that President del Castillo had extended that challenge that all zones have 3 baptisms this weekend. They already had a couple that was ready to be baptized and asked us who we could commit. After saying a prayer, my companion and I both felt that it needed to be Rodolfo…we started a fast and prepared a lesson extending the baptismal date for Saturday the 26th. We prepared the lesson with what we would say if he said “no”, what scriptures we could share, and I was pretty nervous. We passed by his house, and he accepted without a problem. I was still really scared it might not go through, but my sweet companion told me that I just needed to be positive and it would all work out. We passed by every day leading up to the baptism. It was pretty stressful for me, because my companion went home on Thursday, but it all worked out in the end and it was a beautiful baptismal service. Sometimes we are ready to take the next step in our lives, we just need to trust in the Lord and go for it. It was amazing to see the change in Rodolfo even preparing him for only three days. It was a miracle that I was needing to see at this point in my mission."

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