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Sophisticated Foodie

Excerpt from September 7th email: "I have some pretty awesome food stories for this week… My companion and I were eating with Hna. Sena this week and she made us a traditional dish called locro. It´s basically a stew with meat and vegetables…but they always use the obscure parts of the cow. This week was cow face, and it looked horrific. Of course you eat it, because that is what you do when someone gives you food, right? I scarfed my piece down, praying that it didn´t come back up, and my poor companion didn´t have the same luck. She couldn´t swallow the meat. Her body literally would not let her do it…so Hna. Sena, got a little offended and told my companion to go spit it out in the sink. As my companion, bright faced and teary eyed shuffled to the sink to get rid of the mess in her mouth Hna. Sena said, “poor thing isn´t used to country food yet, so Hna. Schmutz, you can eat her meat, yours is gone and I know you eat all my food.” Grudgingly I took my companions meat and did all I could to shove it down…Let´s just say my poor stomach paid for it later and my poor companion owes me her first child.
Then, THE NEXT DAY, we went to eat with Flia. Rodriguez, who once fed us mondongo, and this time they gave us CARPINCHO! If you don´t know what carpincho is, GOOGLE it. It wasn´t all that bad, just the thought of eating a rodent of unusual size didn´t appeal to me too much…call me snotty. Anyway, we have a day free of member meals, so I am on a strange food diet, and I am forever saying NO to locro."
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