Excerpt from September 7th email: "Probably the best birthday gift I received was the baptism and confirmation of Nora and Oscar. It was so special and they were so happy! They ended up having to baptize Nora twice because her hand came up out of the water (poor thing kind of has a fear of water…) and then, after they had finished the service and they were changing out of their wet clothes, one of the witnesses realized that they had done it all with the left hand…so Oscar was baptized twice and Nora three times! She was a good sport about all of it, and announced after that it now she was super clean. . . . The Branch was very supportive and it was just a very happy day. There is really nothing better than to hear someone you have taught, bear their testimony and say they know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. The confirmation was actually on my birthday and that was extremely wonderful as well. They are just such good people and I love them immensely. Nest week Oscar receives the Priesthood and can pass the Sacrament…at the ripe age of 69."
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bagaimana tanggapan warga tentang peristiwa kebakaran menghanguskan
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Warga menangis dan berteriak ketika melih...
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