"It´s officially the first day of spring here in Argentina, and winter really didn´t go out silently. We had rain and thunderstorms on and off almost all last week. Rain here can be inconvenient for the work but we are never discouraged, walking in a storm can be quite entertaining. It has made it so that all of the short cuts we take have turned into marshes, so we usually take the long way right now. Yesterday, though, we were late for an appointment and my companion suggested that we walk across a field we usually take when the weather is dry. The sun had been out the few days before so we thought it would be harmless. Halfway through I took a big step and sunk into dirty marsh water up above my ankles. I turned around to warn my companion right as she did the same. Needless to say, we had to get to an appointment and we were already half way, so we tromped through the muck and laughed as we did it."

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