Excerpt from May 24th email:
This last week was full of rain and rejections. No one wanted to even open their door for us, but the trials brought a lot of blessings. That is something I have gained a really strong testimony of in the mission. If we do our part, try to have patience and just keep going even in times of trial, the Lord will bless us. We had an especially tough day on Wednesday, but when we went to the church for our meetings everything turned around. I got to do a question and answer session with the mission prep class and it was really fun. They asked lots of really great questions like, "What do you love about being a missionary?" but then there were also some really bad ones like, "what do you miss most about home?" and "Why didn't you just stay home and get married?" In the end it was really nice to be able to give them advice and think of all the things I have learned in these 18 months. THEN, when we got home that night our branch president called us and said that he put a baptismal date with one of the young boys that comes to seminary and plays soccer with our branch. THEN, his mom traveled to Buenos Aires and we don´t have her signature to sign the baptismal record...so the blessing still comes with some trials. But I might be seeing another baptism before I come home. Abigaíl got baptized on Saturday and it was really sweet. The other ward we share a building with also had baptisms and it was very nice. The primary (well 4 kids) from Parque plus me sang "I am a child of God". They wouldn't do it without me...which is kind of endearing. That is kind of the motto of Parque, "not without Hna. Schmutz!" I don´t know what they will do when they for some reason don´t have missionaries one day.

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