Sunday was great, very simple and sweet. It was pouring rain but we managed to get 4 investigators at church despite the weather. There were no members from our branch at first, so we went to the Sacrament Meeting of the ward that meets in our same building. Almost all the members had to get up and share their testimonies, and the lights kept cutting out…but it all worked out and the spirit was present. By the time we finished some other members had shown up and we had Sunday school with our branch, then finished by holding another Sacrament Meeting so the members who couldn´t before, could partake of the Sacrament. There weren´t very many of us, but it was a moment in my mission I will never forget. Everyone had the chance to bear their testimony and it was very personal and extremely peaceful. There is a part in Preach My Gospel that says that there is nothing that brings the Spirit more powerfully than a heartfelt testimony, because people can´t tell you that what you believe is a lie. I now understand better why that is true. Rodolfo came to church with his daughter. She and his two other kids are going to come to the baptism on Saturday. He is doing really well, and of course, I have really grown to love him. He is hard to describe, because there is just no one like him. Sometimes teaching him is like teaching a child, and then other times, when we just let him talk, I can see who he might have been before his wife died. Every time we see him, we see him more and more “normal” (and I only use that word for lack of a better one). It´s a strong testimony to me that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is very real, He loves us so perfectly. We cannot judge others, because we don´t know what they are going through. We can´t relate to them, but He can.

Things are good, I am happy and healthy. Another year has come and gone, and it has been a good one. The fastest but most productive year of my life…"
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