Excerpt from November 9th email:
"This nice hot and summery day finds me in Formosa Capital with my new companion, Hermana Hernandez. . .I had a nice long trip on Wednesday from Posadas to Resistencia and then Resistencia to Formosa, and I am still tired from the trip. Hopefully I will find ten minutes today to catch up on some lost sleep. My companion is great, she is from Concepción Chile and we arrived in Argentina together. I didn't really have a chance to get to know her then, since my communication skills were very limited, so we are making up for that now that we speak the same language. Formosa is the hottest part of the mission...but these past few days have been pretty cool and rainy. The only problem with rain is MUD. This is a city full of unpaved and ridiculously muddy streets...with the last name SCHMUTZ I fit right in. The people in Formosa are great, very loving and kind and humble. It is kind of like the midwest of Argentina. All the people have a very distinct accent and are just kind of "Drop Dead Gorgeous"-ish. Let's just say I already LOVE it!"

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