Excerpt from October 12th email:
"We had the wonderful priviledge of seeing José Balmacera's baptism this past Saturday. He is a gaucho from the campo who recently was diagnosed with congestive heart failure at the young age of 55 and is searching for God in his life. He was such a joy to teach, I feel like he taught me much more than I have taught him. Not many people were able to attend the baptism, but it was sweet and simple and full of the spirit. He is such a good man, and I've never seen such a desire or sincere effort from anyone else I have taught. Everyday we passed by he would ask us if we thought he was ready and what else he could do to prepare. He still reads his prayer off a paper, but everyday understands better and better how a prayer works, and the spirit speaks through his sincerity. He doesn't understand it all perfectly, but this Gospel isn't about that. It´s for everyone, and we are all different. I love José and admire his faithful desire to be closer to our Heavenly Father and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to teach him and learn from his example."
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