Excerpt from August 12th email:
"Last Saturday was the baptism of Mónica Méndez and it was WONDERFUL! It really puts a lot of things in perspective as you watch someone you have taught and come to love so much, enter the waters of baptism. The actual ordinance takes only about 30 seconds, but the blessings they receive from the covenant they have made changes a WHOLE life, and their posterity. AMAZING! It rained all day on Saturday, which caused a small turn out at the service, but that didn't distract from the spirit. Mónica was so excited, she showed up at the church an hour early and started preparing herself. She was confirmed on Sunday and was promised in the blessing that she would stay in Ituzaingó and help the work progress, that she would be sealed to her husband in the temple and that she would be an important part of the church in this area. What a blessing! After the branch president welcomed her as a member she bore her testimony, shared a few scriptures and even thanked us for helping her so that she could get baptized. Everyone wants her to have a calling in their orginazation...I give it until Sunday, and she will be in the Young Womens program or teaching Relief Society, or both. It is amazing to me that each and every one of us chose to come to this earth, and that our loving Heavenly Father has a special purpose for ALL His children."

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