"...we got the transfers call last night. Obviously, I knew I was getting a new companion because Hna. Glade is going home, but what came was a little bit of a surprise. The Elder asked her if he could talk to me, and asked, "Hna. Schmutz, how much time do you have in the mission?", "9 months tomorrow, why?" "Not bad hermana, I am proud of you." Although I was grateful for his praise, all I really wanted to know was who my companion was. I thanked him and kindly asked who Hna. Glade´s replacement would be. That´s when he said it..."You are TRAINING". I couldn´t believe it, and most elders like to make jokes before telling you what is really going to happen, so I actually didn´t believe it...then I realized as he happily gave me the details of travel that he wasn´t kidding, I would be TRAINING. I quickly ended the phone call and sat down on the couch (we were at a Family Home Evening with Hna. Dirié) and I started to laugh, but that quickly turned into tears...Hna. Glade and Hna. Dirié were really excited and both gave me hugs and pats on the back to calm me down. I can´t exactly explain the feelings I had, or the feelings I am still having. It is an understatement to say that I feel inadequate, nervous and scared out of my jumper…But, I also have received a lot of comfort from the promises we receive so many times in the scriptures. The Lord only gives us experiences that will help us grow and He will always provide a way for us to accomplish what He would have us do. I am putting myself in His hands, because He knows what I need a lot better than I do."
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