Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hna. Tritsch

Excerpt from August 26th email:
"My new companion [Hna. Tritsch] continues to amaze me everyday with her ability to fearlessly speak a language extremely foreign to her. She is a superstar and she is really teaching me how to do missionary work. You really can learn something from ALL your companions."

Excerpt from August 19th email:
"Saturday morning I went to the mission home to pick up my companion. I was so nervous and anxious…But, tried to pull myself together so I looked confident and strong. I knew I would be training a North American, and only one came, so when we went to the backyard I knew at first sight who my newbie would be. Her name is Hermana Sarah Tritsch and she is from Las Vegas, Nevada. She is a sweetie and we get along really well. I was thinking that because I had been so hard to train I was probably in for the same fate, luckily there is no such thing as kharma in the mission and she is great. She talks to people in the street, has confidence, and speaks the language very well for a new missionary. She is a blessing, to say the least."

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