Excerpt from March 1st email:
"The baptism of Mabel was the hardest I have experienced in all my mission, but also the most rewarding and sweet. We went to get her on Saturday and it all went really well. There was another man from the ward that shares our building getting baptized, and so about 45 people showed up. The spirit was very strong and we were really happy. . ."
"After a long night of being baptized. . . Mabel was in a lot of pain and almost didn't make it to church to receive the Holy Ghost. I was totally beside myself when we went to pick her up to go to church and we had a good cry together. She asked again for a Priesthood blessing and Hno. Baéz came running to help. We left her with the money she would need to take a taxi to the church and told her if she could make it, receiving the Holy Ghost would be something that would help her be more calm and peaceful everyday. Normally, you need to receive the Holy Ghost before the Sacrament is blessed and passed and she didn't make it on time. The poor thing was in so much pain and I just thought to myself, "something has got to work out, we have made it this far!" When they finished the Sacrament and we entered the room with her, the branch president called her to the front and she was able to be confirmed without problems. She was still in a lot of pain so we paid for her taxi back to her house and promised to pass by and see her after church. She felt a lot better when we saw her later and thanked us for helping her. I wish I could say I feel like the fight is done, but we still have a while to go. Her son Rodrigo is being kind of difficult, but we are hoping that with the help of the Young Men he will also be baptized. I feel so strongly that Heavenly Father has great plans for them, and that is why we have had to fight so hard to beat the opposition. The best part is that i know that my Heavenly Father is also much more powerful than the opposition and so if I am obedient and do all I can, the Lord will be able to do what it is He needs to do."

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