Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Safely in Argentina

A short note from Hermana Schmutz on her 1st day in Argentina:

Hermana Schmutz & Cataldo

"My mission president and his wife are awesome, they are both very friendly but also very serious about mission work. It's hot here, and super humid. Just how I wanted it to be! My Spanish is no where near where it needs to be and I understand very little, but today when I was talking with my mission president he told me I do a very good I'm feeling okay. I don't know my trainer yet but I do know she is North American...I promise to write more later. I love you all and it's hard to be this far away. But, Argentina is awesome and I already LOVE the people so so much! I am excited to serve them for the next while...Lots of amor y besos!
Hermana Schmutz"


Erin said...

Look at you!!! You will be fluent in no time flat! Que trabaja muy fuerte! Patrick helped me with that :)

I'm glad to know your blog address... but I need your real address too!

Love you girl!

Unknown said...

Misión Argentina Resistencia
Avenida Rivadavia 323
H 3500 AKE Resistencia
Chaco Argentina

OR via Pouch
Argentina Resistencia Mission
P.O. Box 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150

OR FREE option: Choose the "Write a Missionary" option, then select the Argentina Resistencia mission.

lyn. said...

Your Mom is my one of my new visiting teachers!! I feel so lucky, and I'm sure you know just what I a talking about...