Wednesday, November 19, 2008

First Email

What a great start to the week!
One post letter and one email - and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!

Some highlights from this week's email:
  • She is companions with only one missionary now, Hermana Draeger. The other missionary, Hermana Morrill, was moved to another district since her language skills were more advanced.
  • She and Hermana Draeger get along REALLY well and call each other "EMC" or eternal mission companions -- how cute!
  • Dinner time is quite early -- 4:30pm!
  • She is quite the Spanish scholar -- she typed Doctrine & Covenants 4 by memory!
  • Her teachers are Hermono Converse and Hermono Del Toro.
  • She saw Patty Phillips in the MTC!
Here is an excerpt from the email with her testimony:
"Hna Draeger and I have come to realize this week that the only thing you need to teach a successful lesson is the spirit. So, we have tried to be extra obedient and keep that spirit with us as we go about our day. It is amazing to teach a lesson and have words come out of your mouth that you did not prepare. I know with all my heart, might, and mind that this church is true and that the work I am doing is only made possible with my Heavenly Father's help. I feel His tender mercies touch me everyday as I struggle to learn Spanish, or strive to keep my head up. Heavenly Father does not keep blessings from us, but we must be humble enough to ask for His help. This has been apparent in my life everyday the last week. What a spiritual place this MTC is, but we as missionaries are responsible to keep it this way."

1 comment:

kel bel said...

Mags, you are so great for doing this! And truly you need to do a Vags blog--I would be the #1 fan!