Monday, September 22, 2008

Here's the scoop sisters...

If you are anything like me, you got your mission papers, saw the clothing requirements and got a little scared. Not just because you have to give up jeans and jewelry but because you don't even know where to start! I felt totally out of my element and became obsessed with long skirts, boxy jumpers, and kind of manly but seriously comfy European shoes. There is a stigma around the way sister missionaries dress and I am ready to get rid of it. Although fashion isn't the most important thing while serving a mission, sisters shouldn't have to feel DOWDY or frumpy. There are lots of ways to stay well put together and keep the standards set for sisters without having to use Sister Missionary Mall. So, for what it's worth, I am blogging about my experience preparing for a mission. I'll tell you what I find, what I like, and would love feedback!


Stephen said...

dear devoted not dowdy,

i totally agree with your manifesto. sister missionaries are hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Em said...

Love this blog! And I wish you the best of luck in your quest for fashionable mission clothes.

I remember getting those pictures in my missionary packet. And then when I got to Venezuela I realized that the sisters looked nothing like the temple square sisters and that my clothes were all "wrong."

Hold strong though, and don't fall into the dowdy trap. Keep us updated!